

How to share a folder


Here's how to share a folder on your Windows machine:
  1. Locate the folder you want to share and right click on it..
  2. Choose "Share with..." and then select "Everyone".
  3. A sharing panel will appear with the option to share with any users on the computer or your homegroup. You can also choose to share with "Everyone", which means the files will be accessible on your local network (basically just in your home) to anyone even if they don't have a password. This is convenient but not secure. If you want to choose this option, you can find it by click on the drop down menu towards the top of the panel.
  4. After making your selection, click Share.

After you've clicked Share, Windows will take a moment to set up your new shared folder and it'll be accessible from other computers on your local network. To access it, simply look for your computer's name in the Network section on your other computer. When you choose it, you'll have a new option to connect to this folder.

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